Link Portal

Office: GMail - DuckDuckGo - Messages for Web - Admin - Calendar - Contacts - Spotify - Slack - SlackDB - Safari - HomeAuto - Sandstone - Todoist - Syncthing -
News: Reno Gazette Journal - Google News - Hacker News - Washington Post - NY Times - SF Chronicle - Reddit - Bluesky - Wirecutter - Chico ER - Facebook - Nextdoor - Five Thirty Eight - Slashdot - Linux Today - Rolling Stone -
Reno/Sparks: Sparks Weather - WU Sparks Weather - Reno Wind Map - Reno Sparks Wiki - Caltrans Cameras - Reno Gas Prices - Reno Craigslist - Reno Gas Prices - Reno All Weather -
Stirling: - Stirling Weather - Stirling Old Timers - Historical Soc - Oroville Levels - LTE Hacks - Wyze Cams -
Saratoga: Weather -
General: Earthquakes - Open Railway Map - Flightaware - Soma FM - Beutiful Dingbats - AntennaSearch - Fire Alert - Firemap - Hot Spots - FlightRadar -
Virus: Washoe Dashboard - Washoe Health - Healthdata Projections - John Hopkins Map - NY Times Data - New Washoe Dashboard -
Starlink: Reddit Starlink - Sat Map - Another Map -
Finance: Robinhood - Coinbase - Kraken - Nault -
Fitness: Strava - Garming Connect - Procrastinating Peddlers - Clyde Bike Forums -
Readiness: Dixie Fire Support - Washoe CERT - NN Red Cross - Reno Seismo -
Sports: Reno Aces - Aces Schedule - SF Giants - DBacks - 49ers -
Games: Sandspiel - Lichess - - Daily Cribbage Hand - My Chess Rating -
Shopping: Amazon - Port of Subs -
Blogs: Drew Devault - Daring Fireball -
Outdoors: NV Fishing - Bear Camps - APOD - ThePointsGuy - campgrounds - Garmin Explore -
Food: IP Burrito Bowls -
Development: Github - Oracle Cloud - Beej's Guides - PlantText UML Editor - Html5up Templates - Django and deployment - Daggorath - Free for Devs -
Other: Fiverr Cartoon - SSH Hacks - Personal Site Design - HN Digital Mapping - HN Notes - HN Python Debugging - CLI Tools -